What do Arizona and Texas have to do with Zambia?

One of the questions we get asked a lot is, "What are you guys doing while you're home from Zambia?" Sometimes its a question asked with genuinel interest, and other times it seems like more of a challenge question, something like, "Why are you wasting your time here when you should be in Zambia?"

Whatever the "real" question being asked, it's a fair question. What have we been doing while we're home from Zambia? The answer is pretty simple, really. We've been laying a stronger base of support and getting the strategic training we need for our next phase of our work in Zambia which will begin June 1st. We're also doing all we can to strengthen the church here until then.

Last month, we went to Phoenix where we gathered with our Global Training Network colleagues for a strategic planning retreat. We were excited by the possibilities that came from our time together. It turns out that another GTN team will be in Livingstone, Zambia in July and this will allow us to introduce Percy to our GTN leadership and colleagues. We hope it will begin laying the groundwork for further GTN participation in our Zambia mission!

Abby & I were also asked by GTN to consider the possibility of becoming part of a team to Rwanda and/or Ethiopia later this year or in 2017. We are very excited about this possibility!

Following the GTN retreat, we went to the Dallas area for a Support Raising Solutions Boot Camp. Sounds fun, huh? Actually, it was great. We learned so much about how to build a stronger support team of mission partners beyond the awesome friends who are already standing with us. The training was visionary, encouraging and content-rich. We're glad we went!

Now that we're home, we've been meeting with potential new ministry partners and preparing for our Missionary God class at Lake Forest Church (Huntersville), beginning April 10th for four Sunday evenings from 6-7:45pm. We'd love to have you join us!